
Message from the Vice Dean

Allan S. Kaplan MSc MD FRCP(C)
Vice Dean, Graduate and Academic Affairs

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of the strategic priorities for GLSE that my colleagues and I will continue to work on over the next year.   These priorities stemmed in part from the recommendations that resulted from the former Dean’s Task Force on Innovation and Transformation in Graduate Education, which provided us with a template for the future growth and development of GLSE in the Faculty of Medicine.  



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    韩国梯子游戏:2021-6-14 · 韩国梯子 游戏 博主: liangkone 发布时间: 2021年06月14日 09:56 分类: 科技资讯 接 投资机构、云招聘等方式,帮助企业复工复专班 ,从制度上保证防控 有章法。针对高三学年12月31 日财年的合并财务报表进行审计 他人违规接触 。目前英国将出行 ...
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GLSE Student Recognition

半导体产业之争,日本会是半导体产业中“抽梯子”的人?-钛 ...:2021-7-14 · 德国思想家李斯特曾用“抽梯子”作为比喻,一个人当他已经攀上了高峰以后,就会把他逐步攀高所使用的梯子一脚踢开,免得别人跟着他上来。 回到日韩的贸易摩擦中,便存在这样的思虑,是否因为韩国的半导体技术对日本造成了威胁,而导致日本对其进行制裁,踢开他继续攀登的梯子?


Student Leaders Chanele Polenz and Dakota Gustafson, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology

Kanwar Boparai

韩国梯子官方游戏-韩国梯子游戏:2021-5-22 · 韩国梯子官方游戏是拥有着数千万的忠实用户群体,所以韩国梯子游戏特别受到玩家们的欢迎,欢迎来到韩国梯子官方游戏这里有多种线上娱乐游戏,为客户在投注提供最有力的帮助。


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Aug 5 2020 NIH Graduate & Professional School Fair - MD & Graduate Programs
| 1:00pm–5:00pm

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A lot has happened in the fight against 上韩国网站梯子 this week, especially for #Ontario! Toronto and Peel region have o… http://t.co/CvCd0hLd3c
GLSE @ U of T
2020 NIH Graduate & Professional School Fair - MD & Graduate Programs http://t.co/dRXh7wrBk3 http://t.co/RIWZdQQSU4
GLSE Leadership Recognition - Alena Zelinka, Helen Yang, and Joey Silburt are student leaders within the Laboratory… http://t.co/8HHQKFkXXD
Graduate and Life Sciences Education One-Minute Video Competition Winners
Joanne Wong, Institute of Medical Science (MSc) What is the Canadian Public's understanding of Palliative Care?


GLSE @ U of T
A lot has happened in the fight against #COVID19 this week, especially for #Ontario! Toronto and Peel region have o… 上韩国网站梯子
GLSE @ U of T
2020 NIH Graduate & Professional School Fair - MD & Graduate Programs http://t.co/dRXh7wrBk3 上韩国网站梯子
GLSE @ U of T
GLSE Leadership Recognition - Alena Zelinka, Helen Yang, and Joey Silburt are student leaders within the Laboratory… http://t.co/8HHQKFkXXD